Göbekli Tepe

Interessant. Wenn das so stimmt, folgt daraus, dass die Erbauer fundierte astronomische Kenntnisse haben mußten.

Göbekli Tepe ist auch nicht die einzige Anlage aus dieser Zeit. Ca 70 km südöstlich findet sich Karahan Tepe. Ganz ähnlicher Baustil, T- förmige Monumente manchmal kreisförmig, manchmal parallel angeordnet. Aber bisher fanden dort kaum Ausgrabungen statt.
Neue Untersuchungen, neue Erkenntnisse.

Diesmal geht es um den skull cult/neolithischen Schädelkult:

Modified human crania from Göbekli Tepe provide evidence for a new form of Neolithic skull cult
Der Aufsatz ist bei Science Advances frei verfügbar:
Modified human crania from Göbekli Tepe provide evidence for a new form of Neolithic skull cult | Science Advances

Archaeological excavations at Göbekli Tepe, a transitional Neolithic site in southeast Turkey, have revealed the earliest megalithic ritual architecture with characteristic T-shaped pillars. Although human burials are still absent from the site, a number of fragmented human bones have been recovered from fill deposits of buildings and from ad- jacent areas. We focus on three partially preserved human skulls, all of which carry artificial modifications of a type so far unknown from contemporaneous sites and the ethnographic record. As such, modified skull fragments from Göbekli Tepe could indicate a new, previously undocumented variation of skull cult in the Early Neolithic of Anatolia and the Levant.

Die Presse, zB:
Der Aufsatz hat es jetzt in 24 Stunden durch die gesammelten weltweiten Fachnachrichten geschafft, zB.

scinexx | Schädelkult im Steinzeit-Heiligtum: Abgetrennte und verzierte Schädel in Göbekli Tepe deuten auf spezielle Rituale hin
Carved skulls provide the first evidence of a neolithic 'skull cult' at Göbekli Tepe - HeritageDaily - Heritage & Archaeology News
Grooved Skulls Discovered at Göbekli Tepe - Archaeology Magazine

Und eine kritische Stimme, als Reaktion auf diverse Meldungen:

"If the ancient "skull cult" making the news today was a cult the way most of us think of a cult, it was a pretty bad one. The three carved skulls in question only make up 15 percent of all the crania found at Göbekli Tepe, the oldest temple site in the world. That’s significant archaeologically, but cult-wise, not so much."
The skull cult at the world’s oldest temple probably isn’t quite what you think
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